How to train your cockapoo puppy: 4 helpful tips

A highly loveable breed with big bouts of energy, Cockapoos have remained one of the most popular pets in the UK for years. The Cocker Spaniel-Poodle mix can vary in traits and size but is usually very intelligent and outgoing.

However, if not trained correctly, your pup may choose to channel this energy in the wrong way. It’s therefore important that you train them to become the loving and loyal family member they have the potential to be. We discuss four helpful tips to do so below.

Utilise positive reinforcement

Like humans, puppies love being rewarded for their behaviour, especially when this involves treats and pets. Rewarding them for their good behaviour, called positive reinforcement, rather than punishing them for their mistakes will provide quicker results and further strengthen your bond.

You can test this simply by asking them to sit, stay, or come, and offering them a treat with encouraging words when this behaviour is done correctly. This will likely take a few tries so repeat the actions until you begin to see them following your commands with ease.

Exercise crate training

Cockapoos, like all dogs, are typically considered to be ‘den’ animals, meaning they find comfort in having a similar structure in their home. Crate training is not only beneficial for the pup themself but also on a more practical level, protecting any guests and your belongings.

For example, it’s a safe place for them to go when unsupervised and can make travelling much easier. It can even serve as an essential function during emergencies or evacuations. Ensure that their dog crate contains soft bedding and toys and is positioned in a quiet corner of the home.

Introducing them to the crate in a fun and playful way makes it a positive experience they’ll happily do again. It’s also important to show them that they can go in and out of the crate easily.

Remove any distractions

While cockapoos are fairly easy to train compared to other breeds, you make the process much simpler by removing any significant distractions. Doing so ensures that their attention is fully on you. This means training in busy parks or a room with children or other dogs may not be the best option.

Try starting training in a quiet park or your living room with all appliances turned off. You can slowly introduce more distractions over time to prepare them for various situations they may come across.

Alleviate separation anxiety

Since cockapoos are so loyal and loving, it’s not uncommon for them to develop separation anxiety. By this, we mean that they feel stressed when left alone for long periods of time. However, they need to learn to cope with this as they will be required to be on their own from time to time.

From the moment they come home with you, aim to take preventative measures and set up boundaries, teaching them that it’s okay for you to be separated for a short time. While this shouldn’t be excessively long, it will help them to understand that you will be back if you do leave.

Like any form of training, start slowly and build up once they become comfortable at each stage. If you anticipate that they will be left for more than a few hours, it’s vital that you find someone to check on them or place them in daycare.