Why Does My Cockapoo Howl?

Cockapoos are generally considered one of the friendliest, most sociable and well-behaved breeds of dogs and are perfect for most family environments. Does that mean they are perfect, though? No, because there is no such thing as a 100% perfect dog. Many people have complained about or looked online for answers to why their cockapoo howls. This is understandable, as howls can often be unsettling and worrying. To help you understand your cockapoo a little better, especially if you notice that he or she howls a lot, we will look at why cockapoos, and dogs in general, do this.

Reasons Your Cockapoo Howls

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One of the main reasons why your cockapoo howls are because it is a way they communicate. Before they were domesticated, wild dogs used howling to signal to one another. Even though your cockapoo is not a wild animal and doesn’t live in the wilderness, howling is still an instinctual thing for your dog to do. Often, it is their way of trying to tell you something specifically, particularly if they are howling constantly.

Some of the most common reasons for howling include:

For Attention

Cockapoos, like other breeds of dogs, love when all the attention is on them. They will use any method they can to make sure you focus entirely on them, and sometimes a piercing, blood-curdling howl is the best way to do it. If you think this is the only reason they are howling, ignoring the behaviour and not giving them what they want may help stop them from doing it in the future.

Signalling the Rest of Their Pack

As we noted earlier, dogs in the wild used howls to direct their pack members to their territory. Domesticated dogs like cockapoos may still use howling to summon and direct their “pack members”, that is, you and other household members, to where they are. You may notice that your cockapoo howls when someone from your household has been away from there for an extended period.

Expressing Physical Pain

Cockapoos that are hurt or sick may howl to signal that they are distressed and injured or ill. So, it’s a good idea to determine if there are any apparent reasons why your cockapoo may be howling. Give their body an inspection and watch how they walk, sit and do other regular activities. If you are still unsure and they show no sign of ceasing their howling, it may be a good idea to take them to the vet.

Marking Territory

Following on from the point we made about wild dogs using howling to direct members of their pack to their territory, another reason why dogs would often howl was to warn off other dogs and animals that it was their marked-out territory. Even within a domestic setting, you may find that your cockapoo howls whenever strangers approach your house, even if you know them, or at night if there are intruders, to warn them off that the house is their territory.

Emotional Distress

Whereas humans cry when experiencing emotional distress, dogs, like cockapoos, howl. Have they experienced a loss? It may not be quite as severe in terms of human standards as someone dying or another animal friend from your household passing away. It could easily be that someone has moved out, as one of your children, or you have split with your partner. Howling is their way of expressing their sadness and sense of loss.

They may also be howling because they are fearful or anxious and need to be reassured.

As a Response To Your Cockapoo’s Surroundings

Like other dog breeds, Cockapoos will often howl in response to specific sounds. Some of the most common sounds that trigger howling include other dogs’ noises, musical instruments and sirens. They could tell you they have heard these calls and want to join in whatever is happening.

The best way to stop your cockapoo howling if it is a specific sound causing it is to figure out what that sound is and find a way to stop it.


Although howling can be stressful and frustrating for us as owners, it is often the only way your cockapoo knows how to communicate something. It’s essential, therefore, when they start howling that you do not get angry with them but instead try to figure out what triggered it in the first place. There are usually easily explainable reasons why they are howling. Just be aware that if you suspect a severe underlying problem, the only way you can deal with it is to go to the vet.