Can My Cockapoo Eat Apples?

Can Cockapoos eat apples? Yes, they can, but there are a few provisos that you should be aware of, but we’ll cover them in this article.

Nutrient-dense apples can benefit your dog’s health, but you should avoid feeding your Cockapoo specific parts, such as the seeds and cores.  In addition, as with everything you feed your dog, moderation is key with this fruit because you don’t want to give your dog an upset tummy. 

Most people see dogs as carnivores, but they are omnivores, so a few fruit and veg in their diet will give them a nutritional boost.

Why Are Apples Good For Cockapoos?

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Apples include a significant amount of dietary fibre, which benefits a healthy digestive system. About 4 grams of fibre, soluble and insoluble, can be found in a medium-sized apple. Insoluble fibre prevents constipation, while soluble fibre aids water absorption and slows sugar absorption into the bloodstream.

In addition, apples have a good level of Vitamin C, which can benefit your dog’s immune system and keep them healthy.

Your dog can also benefit from eating apples because the fruit will keep their teeth and breath fresh and clean, thanks to the malic acid found in apples. There is sugar (sucrose) in apples (approximately 2grams per 100 grams of apple), but don’t worry too much about it because the water in the apple helps your pup’s stomach absorb the sugar. 

Apples are a particularly healthy snack for senior dogs because they are low-calorie, low-protein, and low-fat (approximately 50 calories in one small apple).

Other minerals in apples include potassium, calcium, and vitamins A and K. 

Can Dogs Eat Apples With Skin?

If you feed your dog apples with the skin on, that too can benefit because the apple skin acts like a toothbrush for your dog’s teeth.

Why Are Apples Bad For Cockapoos?

Avoid the apple core and the seeds when treating your Cockapoo to a few apple pieces.

Poisonous cyanide is present in trace concentrations in the seeds. However, it’s not as though you’re going to poison your dog with a few pieces of apple every day; you’ll need a lot more than a few seeds to make your dog ill. 

But there’s simply no reason to feed your dog those parts of the apple when you know it might endanger their health. 

Removing the stems is also a sensible precaution because they will not harm the dog.

As we all know, apples have a  hard, fibrous core that’s difficult for dogs to chew, and it might pose a choking hazard. 

As previously mentioned, apples contain sucrose, and while a few slices each day isn’t going to be harmful if your dog is diabetic or overweight, have a word with your vet before giving apples to your dog.

Before feeding your dog any apple, wash the apple first, especially if you leave the skin on the apple because there might be herbicides or pesticides on the skin. If you’re going to feed your dog an apple for the first time, provide a small amount and keep your eyes open for any allergic reaction. It’s doubtful there will be from apple, but just in case.

How Much Apple Can I Give My Dog?

Cockapoos are not tiny dogs, so you can safely offer your dog one or two slices of apple daily. I wouldn’t recommend giving more than that, though.

It’s safe enough to give tiny amounts to a puppy. Cut a small apple cube that’s probably best without the skin, and watch for allergic reactions or tummy aches.

Don’t substitute apples for your Cockapoo’s regular diet, but remember what you feed as treats should come off the total amount of your dog’s daily food allowance.  

What Fruit Is Bad For Dogs?

While there are numerous reasons why feeding your dog apples is a good idea, there are some fruits you need to steer clear of, such as:

  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Onions and Garlic
  • Rhubarb

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways for can my cockapoo eat apples.

  • Apples are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for dogs to eat in moderation.
  • If your dog has a medical problem, it’s always advisable to check with your veterinarian first.
  • Keep a close eye on your Cockapoo when you introduce a new food
  • Remove the core and seeds.