Cockapoo Constipation: 8 Home Constipation Remedies

Constipation is not just a human problem, contrary to popular thought. When your Cockapoo has an issue, and it’s impossible for the dog to go, you need to help ease the situation. Fortunately, your dog doesn’t have to put up with constipation; when your Cockapoo has constipation, try one of our recommended home remedies.

Your Cockapoo, if they could speak, would soon tell you they aren’t impressed with the situation. At some point in every dog’s life, they will suffer from constipation. As a concerned pet owner, you can try several home remedies to alleviate Cockapoo constipation. 

How To Tell If Your Cockapoo Is Constipated

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Happily, the signs of constipation are readily apparent, especially in home dogs that need regular trips to potty outside. 

Unless you happen to see your dog attempting to relieve himself while it is allowed to run around outside, you may be unable to tell if he has this problem. Even so, if your Cockapoo is constipated, you must catch the symptoms early. How can you know if your Cockapoo is constipated?

  • There have been no bowel movements for several days.
  • Staying in a position that is known as the “pooping position” for an extended period (crouching: back legs bent, with the bottom rear close to the ground)
  • Instead of normal poo, a watery mixture of blood and other bodily fluids is expelled from your pup’s bottom.
  • Your Cockapoo Whines and runs around in circles while attempting to poo.
  • One sign is Haemorrhoids: swollen veins in your Cockapoo’s bottom. 
  • They are dragging their bottom along the ground without leaving any poo behind.

If the situation is dire, you should seek the advice of your vet, but if it’s a minor attack of constipation, you may be able to treat your Cockapoo at home with some tried-and-true methods. 

Naturally, this type of situation is what we live for as dog owners; actually, no, we don’t, but it is essential to take care of this issue as soon as possible because it’s no fun for your Cockapoo. 

What Causes Cockapoo Constipation?

  • Dehydration occurs when your Cockapoo loses more fluid than they take in, making it difficult for the dog to pass hard and dried out excrement.
  • When diet is at fault, it’s low in fibre and a high bone diet. Because dogs are notorious for swallowing non-edible items like hair, toys, wood, and typically anything they pick up that seems interesting, these can cause obstructions.
  • Constipation is more common in elderly dogs because they are more vulnerable to other ailments, such as arthritis.
  • When your dog is passive, their bowel movements are likely to be slower than if they were more active.
  • A dog’s physical health can be negatively affected by stressful events, just as they are for humans. As a result of this, your dog’s digestion will be slower, and they will end up consuming more food than is excreted as waste.

8 Ways To Clear Cockapoo Constipation At Home

1. Exercise And Fresh Water

Regular physical activity and access to safe, potable water are two of the most important things you can do for your Cockapoo’s health

Dogs must be kept active if they are to digest food properly. Regular exercise will aid in the movement of stools through the dog’s digestive tract. In addition, make sure your dog has access to plenty of clean, fresh water. 

You can help prevent and alleviate the effect of constipation on your Cockapoo with the help of these factors. In other words, this is a simple initial step in your dog’s constipation battle.

2. Add Dietary Fibre To Your Cockapoo’s Food

A diet rich in fibre is suitable for dogs and humans. Chances are you already have some kind of safe dietary fibre for dogs on-hand in the home. You can probably get some from your local supermarket if you don’t. 

With a few simple additions to your Cockapoo’s regular meals, you can keep your dog happy and healthy. 

For a few examples: pureed or canned pumpkin (1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight); ground or chopped dark green leafy vegetables (1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight); coconut fibre or oil (1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight); psyllium husk powder (1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight). If you incorporate it into your dog’s favourite wet food, there’s every chance they may not even notice.

You might like to run these ingredients and measurements through your vet to be on the safe side.

3. Add Digestive Enzymes And Probiotics To Your Cockapoo’s Diet

Adding digestive enzymes and probiotics to your dog’s diet is an additional step you can do to avoid constipation difficulties in the future. You can alleviate maldigestion by incorporating digestive enzymes and probiotics into your Cockapoo’s diet. 

Maldigestion is due to a lack of enzymes, where the body cannot adequately break down food into its constituent parts. Constipation and diarrhoea are often the consequence of maldigestion.

You can put these issues to bed before they even rear their head by being proactive and adding enzymes and probiotics to your dog’s diet. Please speak to your vet and ask what they recommend. 

4. Temporarily Switch To Canned Food

Do you feed your Cockapoo dry kibble? If so, you won’t be able to incorporate the above ingredients into his diet; however, it’s possible that the dry kibble is to blame! So, why not try feeding your dog canned food for a few days to see if it makes a difference? Your dog’s bowels will be able to move more easily because the wet food has more moisture. Switching to wet food can be an easy solution, and it’s a quick fix if it works. You don’t need to keep your Cockapoo on wet food if you don’t want to, but if they get constipated again, you know what has an immediate effect.

5. Ginger and Chicken or Beef Broth

It’s easy to make a home treatment for dog constipation by combining these two simple substances. To make 1/2 a cup of chicken or beef broth, mix 1/4 teaspoon ginger with 1/2 a cup of broth. 

Ginger helps to soothe a churning stomach, and the broth’s fat will help move things along. There are old fashioned remedies that are useful when dealing with constipation.

6. Milk

A natural laxative in milk can help with your Cockapoo’s constipation. Ordinarily, we wouldn’t recommend giving dogs milk to drink because

dogs are lactose intolerant, which means they have difficulty digesting milk. Dairy products are often a common source of food intolerance in dogs. 

 A small bowl is all you need to get things started, and you’ll see results in as little as a few hours. You might be well advised to keep your eyes on your dog so you can quickly take them outside in case they want to go pretty badly.

7. Olive Oil

Because it can cause diarrhoea, this is a remedy you don’t want to use too frequently. Desperate times, on the other hand, often necessitate equally desperate methods. A tablespoon of oil can be added to your dog’s diet to ease their constipation.

Olive oil is an excellent stool softener and digestive tract lubricant for dogs. Add a tiny bit of olive oil to their food to get the best benefits. This remedy should only be used as a last resort when your dog is in extreme discomfort. As mentioned, there is the risk that it might bring on diarrhoea, so use only small amounts and give it a little time to work before you give another spoonful; if you don’t have olive oil available, substitute with vegetable oil.

8. Lintbells YuDigest Plus 

There’s no better way to deal with a Cockapoo’s digestive problems than YuDIGEST Plus for Dogs. To give your dogs’ digestive system the royal treatment it deserves, the UK’s no.1 veterinary joint and skin supplement brand have created a unique blend of prebiotic and probiotic bacteria. These will support the ‘good’ bacteria and block ‘bad’ bacteria, ensuring a healthy digestive balance. Fast-acting digestive support for dogs in an easy-to-sprinkle powder.

When Home Remedies For A Cockapoo’s Constipation Isn’t Enough

You can try several home remedies if you discover that your Cockapoo is constipated. However, it’s important to remember that home remedies may not always be enough to solve the problem. If none of those above-mentioned solutions work, your vet will be able to provide you with additional treatment choices. 

It’s okay for you to treat mild cases of constipation at home, but if the situation is more complicated, you need to turn to the experts. 

When To Contact Your Vet

If you’ve tried the above-mentioned home remedies and they haven’t worked, you should consider your dog’s constipation more seriously. For example, if your dog’s constipation persists for too long (a good rule of thumb to keep in mind: If your dog hasn’t had a stool movement in more than two to three days, always call the vet!), you should be concerned about significant health issues.