What Do Cockapoos Usually Die From?

It is not the nicest subject to discuss, but one aspect of dog ownership you need to be prepared for is when your cockapoo dies. Cockapoos and other dogs do not live for as long as humans, so you will likely be faced with the death of your beloved family pet at some point. The average lifespan is around 13 years, as discussed in our article Cockapoo Growth and Lifespan Details.

As the above article notes, 13 years is just an average lifespan for a cockapoo, not a guarantee. With that in mind, it may be helpful to understand what cockapoos most commonly die when they die before they reach old age.

What Causes Cockapoos To Die Early?

There are various illnesses, disorders and conditions that cockapoos can suffer from and eventually die from. This includes:

  • Cancers and blood problems – cancers and blood problems have been known to reduce a cockapoo’s lifespan.
  • Eye problems include various eye issues like corneal ulcers, glaucoma, and cataracts that can shorten a cockapoo’s lifespan. Although they are not inherently serious initially, they can develop into blindness, eventually leading to early death.
  • Ear infections – cockapoos are prone to developing ear infections because the corners of their ears and eyes normally have exudate.

While these are common, two things cause early cockapoo death more than anything else – motor vehicle and road accidents and canine obesity.

Motor Vehicle and Road Accidents

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Considering how lively and energetically playful cockapoos are, it’s no surprise that many die because of road accidents. Many of these balls of fur can’t help but give chase to a rabbit or squirrel that catches their eye. Therefore, you must be very careful when walking your dog or playing with him or her in the garden so that they don’t run away from your side and onto the road and incoming traffic.

Even if they are not chasing after another animal, they could still find themselves in the middle of the road, particularly if they get spooked by something or someone. Despite how intelligent cockapoos are, they still do not appreciate just how dangerous roads and motor vehicles are.

Canine Obesity

Just as it is a growing problem for humans, obesity is a problem for man’s best friend. It is thought that around 50% of all the dogs in the USA are classified as overweight or obese. This cannot be easy to control because you want to ensure your cockapoo gets the recommended dose of essential nutrients daily to keep them energised and active. However, as cockapoo owners, it falls to us to prevent them from developing obesity.

To avoid this, you must ensure you feed your cockapoo high-quality food, one or even two times every day, though that depends on their activity level and size.

It’s vital we are very cautious and do not overfeed our cockapoos.

How Do I Know If My Cockapoo Is Obese or Not?

It can be difficult to tell whether your cockapoo is overweight or even obese because they are a very fluffy breed. An effective way to tell whether your cockapoo is at its ideal weight is by examining its anatomy carefully.

Look at your cockapoo from above. Can you see their waist? Does it dip slightly inwards through their coat? If it doesn’t, they might be overweight.

How about their ribs? Can you feel them? It could be time for a diet if you can’t push your hands through their coat.

Unfortunately, there are no standards for the breed, but the best way to check whether your cockapoo is overweight or obese or at its ideal weight is by asking your vet to check.


No one likes to face up to the fact that their cockapoo will die. It’s a natural part of life, though. To give our cockapoo the best chance of living and long, happy and fulfilling life, there are various things you can do. Take them to the vet for routine checks, ensure they are eating the right amount of nutritious and high-quality food, get enough exercise and are well looked after.